Sunday, 27 February 2011

Half-term in Wales

Great to be in the country again. The weather was a bit grey and wet for most of it but surprisingly mild for the time of year. We didn't mind a bit as we were all having such a great time relaxing with the Potts at the barn, going on beach walks, feeding the horses and painting in the woods.
The paintings on the left were all painted consecutively from top to bottom. The first is still the best - just worked first time. Really was guerilla painting! Propping the canvas up with twigs on the mossy forest floor or on a picnic bench in a full force gale!

My axing skills are still intact, even with a blunt axe! I forget what a gentle and varied landscape the Llewn pennisular (Anglesey) is.


  1. Hi Jon,
    Looks like an amazingly creative time for you. The paintings are so vivid - the photos too. I came by your blog by chance yesterday and it brought back many memories - of eagles hovering in the azure blue Mediterranean sky, of tending the vines and grape picking, of drinking homemade fire water at the end of the working day, of placing the nets under the olive trees and watching the yayas beat the olives from the trees - oh, and the interminable need for chopped wood! You look very fit from all that axe work.
    Best wishes to you and Caroline and Maya & Violet,

  2. You just get better! Great work!
